Wednesday, May 14, 2014

That Night part 2

Jamie ran back to her sleeping bag as fast as she could-trying not to fall face first on the dirt ground- and was shaking as she tried to get in it. She finally got the zipper open and jumped into it, closing her eyes tightly and pretending like she didn't just see a pair of eyes watching her from a bush.  

That didn't happen. I'm just dreaming... or maybe someone spiked my drink earlier around the fire. Yeah, that's what probably happened. It seemed like something her friends would do since she was always so "boring and uptight" compared to them. They must have slipped some alcohol into her drink in an attempt to make her have a little more fun. Well, that was NOT fun. If that's the effects of alcohol, I never want to drink again. Still squeezing her eyes shut, she sighed and tried to get control of her shaking body. But she couldn't get the image of the pale glowing eyes out of her head, and that made it so hard to calm down.

After about a half hour, she was relaxed and fast asleep in her sleeping bag again. This time it was after only an hour of sleep that she felt hands pushing her hard into the ground and she woke up yelling with built up fear. Allan's face looked concerned as he pressed his hand to her mouth and said, "Jamie, calm down! What's with the yelling?". Jamie unzipped the sleeping bag and sat up to examine him and make sure he wasn't a murderer, or something. "Allan, you ass. Did you have to wake me up like that? You couldn't be a bit gentle?", she said as she rubbed the places where he pushed her. "Sorry. I heard noises in the woods, and everyone is sleeping together except us so-"
"So you woke me up to tell me let's split up and find out where the noises in the woods are coming from? Yeah, I don't think so. You and I have watched way too many horror movies for you to be that stupid."
"Actually", Allan said as he pointed to the sleeping bag next to him, "I came out here to push our sleeping bags together and pray that Slenderman won't kill both of us."
Jamie started giggling like an idiot at this and patted the ground, a motion that said he was welcomed. He set up his sleeping bag on her left and lied down, sighing in relief. "Feel better?", Jamie whispered while she watched him. Allan turned his head and smiled at her, a smile that was illuminated in the moonlight and looked ever so cute on his face, as he said, "Yeah, thanks. I'm sure it was nothing but if I die, I want to be with my best friend. I just ask that you leave me behind and name your future baby after me."
This made Jamie smile, too and whisper, "I couldn't leave you behind, Allan. I would die without you."
"Your a strong independent woman who don't need no man to help her run away", he said and they both stared at each other for a few seconds before bursting out into laughter. His laugh always made her feel better, and she would always laugh quietly so she could hear it better. She didn't know that he did the same when she laughed. They both stared up into the night sky and talked about the things they always talked about: school, college, life, old memories, the times they shared together, and what they want to do in the future when they finish school and are out on their own. Jamie fell asleep after tons of laughter and smiles, and as she slept, he held her hand and drifted off to sleep too.

It was about 4:30am when Allan woke up feeling very uncomfortable. He felt like something was wrong, or something bad was about to happen. He blinked a few times before turning over to see if Jamie was awake too, but when he looked over to her sleeping bag-she wasn't there.


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